Thursday, January 7, 2010

Although the Copenhagen climate talks were a bust, we must remember that we are closer than ever to passing a climate bill. Now is the time to keep the pressure on the Senate and President Obama -- not squander a great opportunity!

Senate: We need your leadership and urgent climate action >>

The Senate's failure to pass a strong climate bill in 2009 presented a significant roadblock to any progress in Copenhagen. Now I completely understand that Congress has their hands full, but we need their focus and urge them step up on climate. The world and the American people cannot afford to wait any longer >>

Every day the U.S. Senate delays puts our entire planet at risk and undermines the U.S.'s negotiating position and competitive edge in the clean energy race. 2010 is our absolute last chance to get a fair, ambitious and binding climate treaty.

Tell your senators to stop delaying and pass a strong clean energy bill that will stop dangerous global warming pollution and create economic opportunities for everyone >>
